Acting Silly

with Carly Bereznay

Carly Bereznay is a white woman with long brown hair
Behavior Bites Podcast - Ep32
Jan 31, 2024


Spotify | Apple

Are you a fan of collaborating with multiple professionals?

Have you ever wished you had pushed back against the status quo?

During today’s meal— I speak with an SLP BCBA about collaborating, gestalt language processing, self care, and our mutual love of iced coffee year round.

  • Amuse-Bouche

    • What’s your favorite drink?


    • How did you get into Speech Language Pathology & Behavior Analysis?

    • What’s a typical day look like & how do you practice self-care?

    Palate Cleanser

    • What’s your favorite musical?


    • What’s something you wish you could have told yourself when getting started?

    • If there were no barriers or constraints, what would be your dream project?


    • What’s an “insult” you’ve received that you’re proud of?

    • What is your favorite thing about what you do?

Excerpts from the Episode

(*Paraphrased highlights)
  • I wish someone could have told me to push back against lesson plans and themed learning as this was expected in my speech field when I first started. I would have loved to have been taught how to do play based therapy from the get go and implement it from Day One.

  • I get a glimpse into these tiny lives every day and even when we have no progress we at least have fun! I get to act a fool and play all day and what’s better than that?

  • I don’t book my full day. I will work in 4 hour chunks sometimes but I always leave midday for my doggos and I make sure I get time outside no matter what the weather is, in my favorite place (my screened in furnished porch).

    I also take on passion projects like musicals and posting my dancing and songs to IG because I’m proud of the way I express myself even if I’m no Broadway star. And most importantly, I go to therapy. Everyone should go to therapy.

  • Cabaret


Carly Bereznay, M.Ed.,CCC-SLP, BCBA, LBA

Carly Bereznay works primarily in early intervention with autistic children in a holistic, play based approach. She prides herself on being trauma-assumed and co-regulating with her clients as well as “bringing the fun” to each session by channeling each child’s special interests.

Carly is currently obtaining her clinical doctorate in Speech-Pathology in aims to one day enter academia and flip the script on the current norms of unhealthy supervision practices in Communication Science Disorders programs. Her capstone project is on teaching co-regulation to better handle distress in graduate programs.

CONNECT with Carly

Instagram: @cdbereznay
Instagram: @ptsd.slp


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