What’s Cooking?
Rosie’s Monthly Newsletter
✅ Want a simple way to stay current in behavior analysis?
Let’s be honest. We love being behavior analysts, but it’s a lot of hard work and dedication. After pouring into learners & families all day, then taking care of your own and others’ basic human needs—- it can feel like there’s no time for self-care, let alone professional growth.
My goal with this newsletter is to make nourishing your mind easy, with fresh tips and events delivered conveniently to your inbox.
📝 Ingredient List
In these monthly newsletters, I’ll review current happenings in the field, share a resource, update you on all my upcoming events, and share something fun (think— recipe, moon phase, travel, or whatever interesting tidbit I’d like to share).
Nutritious Nuggets - sizzling research and tasty topics in the field
Monthly Calendar - upcoming events, CEUs, mentorship, podcast releases, conferences
Chef’s Special - featured event of the month
Final Bites - sweet treats & random morsels of goodness
I want this newsletter to be useful, insightful, and inspiring.
If you have any feedback on the type of content you’d like to receive, please send me a message through my contact form.