A Double Dose of Rosie
with Rosie “Behaviorfy” Estrada
Behavior Bites Podcast - Ep31
Jan 17, 2024
Have you ever been told that you’re too combative because you ask questions?
Do you believe there’s a link between mental health and physical health?
During today’s meal— I speak with a behavior analyst, personal trainer, and small business owner about goals for 2024, what advice they’d give to their younger self, and their New York food recommendations.
What are you most looking forward to in 2024?
How did you get into Behavior Analysis?
What’s something you wish you could have told yourself when you started?
Palate Cleanser
What’s your go-to meal in New York?
What’s an “insult” you’ve received that you’re proud of?
If there were no barriers or constraints, what would be your dream project?
What is your favorite thing about yourself?
What are your hopes for the future of ABA?
Excerpts from the Episode
(*Paraphrased highlights)
That I didn't have to commit to being a BCBA or ONLY a BCBA.
I'm a person of many different passions, so be flexible and see what’s out there. There are so many different opportunities in this field, like, I’m also a personal trainer, and that uses behavior science as well.
I was once told by a boss on a performance review that I am too "combative.”
If I was given feedback, I would explain myself. It's not like I'm explaining myself because I think you're wrong, and I'm right, but more so I want you to see where I'm coming from. Sometimes, if you don't ask me, then I have to find my own way of explaining myself, which can be interpreted as combative.
I would LOVE to have some kind of giant gym for all kinds of people (kids, adults, teens, special needs). But not just any gym— a gym with a mental health department, because health is so holistic!
I think through supervision, we can make our field better and stronger because we're shaping the future professionals of our fields, which ultimately affects everything that we do and the progress of our clients. So my hopes for the future of ABA is stronger, competent, caring, compassionate supervisors— because it’s a big responsibility.
Rosangela Estrada, BCBA, CPT
Rosie ("Behaviorfy") is a BCBA and personal trainer. She lives in New York City with her yellow lab pal, Nala. She created Behaviorfy in 2021, without much of a plan, and is now known for some "hot takes" and honest truths, as well as really cool study materials to pass the big test!
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Instagram: @behaviorfy
Website: behaviorfy.net
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