Two Podcasters Get Talking

with Ben Reiman

Ben Reiman is a white man with short grey hair and glasses.
Behavior Bites Podcast - Ep29
Dec 20, 2023


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Are you more of a wait and listen person or a fill the space talker?

What happens when you get two people who like listening to themselves speak on a podcast?

During today’s meal— I speak with a behavior analyst about being on a reality show, podcasting, and veganism.

  • Amuse-Bouche

    • What was it like being on Canada’s Worst Drivers?


    • How did you get into Behavior Analysis?

    • What made you want to start a podcast?

    Palate Cleanser

    • What’s your favorite vegan dish?


    • What’s a typical day look like for you?


    • What is your favorite thing about what you do?

Excerpts from the Episode

(*Paraphrased highlights)
  • I was pre-diagnosed ADHD. I used to regularly not make the turn to our house. My wife was constantly in a state of fear because I was looking at other stuff like squirrels, and veering off. I was a “close call driver.” One day my wife said, “That's enough. I'm gonna write to Canada's Worst Drivers!” Next thing you know, we get a call. Then about a month later, a whole crew showed up.

    They rigged my car with cameras. A guy sat in the car with a camera, and a big van drove in front of us with the doors wide open and a camera shooting at us. Like if that wasn’t distracting enough, they had us driving through town and they made me drive into my wheelbarrow in my garage.

    We started to notice that some of this stuff was, you know, encouraged. Then the producer scolded my wife, telling her she’s supposed to be getting mad at me and freaking out…

  • At work, we were brainstorming other ways to sort of augment our income and potentially being more sustainable. Someone suggested starting a podcast as a way to get our name out more, and it wasn't me, someone else said, “Ben should start a podcast.”

    That's how it started, but they said the format and direction was all up to me. I'm grateful and humbled that they're paying me to do this.

  • Just talking to people— talking to new people that I don't know, talking to people from different perspectives.

    For most of my life, most of my conversations have been with folks with privilege. As I started talking to people that haven’t had the privileges I have, I’ve been learning about what that really means, and learning a lot about myself.

    I love having a platform for voices that might not get heard elsewhere. I've also been finding real value in connecting people together. I've had a lot of guests who’ve met each other for the first time as a result of the podcast, or learned of each other's work for the first time.


Ben Reiman, BCBA, IBA

I am a White settler living and working on the traditional unceded lands of the Tla’amin, Homalco, K’omoks, and Klahoose First Nations located on the northwest coast of Turtle Island. I was born on the traditional territories of the Wendat, Haudenosauneee, and Anishinaabe peoples and raised on the territories of the Wolastoqivik and Maliseet peoples. My mother was born and raised on the lands of the Hatiwendaronk, Haudenosaunee, and the Anishinaabe and has Scottish and German ancestry. My father was born and raised on the traditional territories of the Anishnabek, Haudenosaunee, and Ojibway/Chippewa peoples.

I’m a behavior analyst at CBI Consultants Ltd where we provide employment and positive behaviour support services to individuals with developmental disabilities and complex needs.

I’m also the host of the Behaviour Speak Podcast. I’m also the assistant chief in my local volunteer fire department and husband to my amazing wife where we live with our senior rescue companion animals.

CONNECT with Ben

Facebook: The Behaviour Speak Podcast
Instagram: @behaviourspeak


Visit my Podcast page to learn more about Behavior Bites!


Line Stepping


Changing Paths