Cultural Connection
with Alyssa Barrera Lansford
Behavior Bites Podcast - Episode 02
Nov 30, 2022
Who really has their sh!t together?
In today’s show— Alyssa and I discuss not having all the answers, being yourself, not being afraid to stand up, and asking the hard questions.
Her experience will have you questioning how to better incorporate clients and families into programming.
Excerpts from the Episode
I was getting Master’s Degree in exercise science. I started working as an instructional assistant… I started noticing the non-verbal girl who I was really close with, even though she was labeled non-verbal, would call my name and talk when in exercise, or playing outside; doing preferred things. I was curious as to why she was doing it during that time and not any other time…
I was working mainly with predominantly Latine families… Even when I decided to quit my job, I got text messages from familes, caregivers, parents and they told me that it was so beneficial for their family to see a latina BCBA going into higher education because it’s not known for us to go that far…
Listen to find out!
Alyssa Barrera Lansford, BCBA, LBA (she/her/Ella)
* Follow Alyssa on Instagram @diary_of_Alyssa_BCBA
Alyssa Barrera Lansford is a Texas based BCBA and PhD student who is passionate about culturally responsive therapy and supervision, intersectionality, storytelling–qualitative research, and providing a voice to marginalized populations within and outside the ABA field.
Lyssa is a mom of 2, late diagnosed ADHDer, a detribalized indigenous tejana/latina, and overall someone you should be watching as she helps disseminate more than the typical ABA perspective!
Visit my Podcast page to learn more about Behavior Bites!