Supervise with Confidence: Navigating Common RBT® Supervision Ethics Violations
Ethics Virtual Brunch (part 2)
Sunday, March 23rd
11:00AM ET / 8:00AM PT
2 Ethics CEUs
Are you providing effective and ethical supervision to your RBT®s?
Do you understand the BACB® requirements and best practices for ensuring competency and compliance?
Supervision is a critical component of an RBT®’s success, and as a BCBA®, your role in guiding, training, and supporting RBT®s has a direct impact on client outcomes. This 2-ethics-CEU course will explore the BACB® Ethics Code for Behavior Analysts related to supervision, common ethical pitfalls, and best practices for delivering high-quality, competency-based supervision. Participants will gain actionable strategies to enhance their supervisory practices while fostering professional growth and ethical integrity.
Join us to strengthen your supervision skills and ensure you’re meeting both ethical and professional standards!
Participants will:
Identify BACB® requirements for RBT supervision, including frequency and documentation.
Describe common ethical violations related to RBT supervision and how to avoid them.
Discuss creating a policy and procedure to avoid misunderstandings
Discriminate between RBT Supervisor and RBT Requirements Coordinator
Apply strategies to ensure ethical and compassionate supervision.
It’s not imperative to watch the first Ethics Brunch CEU before taking the second one.
In the first event, we discussed the ins-and-outs of the BACB® Ethics Department's process for handling alleged violations. What to do if you get that dreaded Alleged Violation notice, and what my recommended next steps are. This is helpful knowledge to build upon for the second event, as well as your professional career.
It’s not a prerequisite, but we encourage you to also take Protect Yourself: Navigating BACB® Ethics Code Violations.
Sunday, March 23rd
11:00AM ET / 8:00AM PT
2 Ethics CEU
100-120 minute - $22
When to Establish an RBT® Requirements Coordinator Structure within an Organization
If you didn’t know, the BACB® has a blog discussing different topics in our field. This past January they released guidance on RBT Supervisor vs. RBT Requirements Coordinator. Read the full post, but let me summarize it.
RBT Supervisor model tends to work best for small companies with a handful of BCBAs and RBTs. The RBT may have one or more RBT Supervisors, and the RBT Supervisor could fulfill all of the supervision requirements independently or may collaborate with other RBT Supervisors at the organization to meet the supervision requirements for each RBT.
Two Notes- 1. In the event of an audit, all RBT Supervisors on record for an RBT at an organization must provide documentation for their supervision during the audited time. 2. Ongoing supervision for an RBT only counts toward the 5% minimum if the RBT Supervisor has the RBT listed as a supervisee in their BACB account.
RBT Requirements Coordinator model works better for larger companies with multiple BCBAs and RBTs. An RBT has one RBT Requirements Coordinator and several Supervisors. The Supervisors oversee the services provided by the RBT and each Supervisor provides a portion of the RBT’s ongoing supervision. In the RBT Requirements Coordinator model, the RBT Supervisor(s) providing the RBT’s supervision should NOT list the RBT on their account.
I will be going more in depth during this Ethics CEU Brunch!
Join us and have fun learning with other awesome professionals!