(PAST) Beyond The Buzzword

Identifying Critical Behaviors to Reduce Burnout

1.5 Learning CEUs

Tue, August 6, 2024

7:30 PM ET

an illustration of a person lounging on the couch, enjoying a bowl of popcorn
Jewel is a Black woman with long straight hair and large glasses

Jewel Parham


Rosie is a white woman wearing a sun hat, sipping orange drink

C. Rosie Jeffers


Is burnout inevitable? The answer is wholeheartedly, no!

This Collaboration Corner delves into burnout in behavior analysis, exploring its origins and challenges. Strategies discussed include setting boundaries, aligning values, reflecting on motivations, seeking mentorship, and prioritizing self-care to prevent burnout and ensure a fulfilling career.

In this Collaboration Corner interactive CE workshop, participants will—-

  • Identify the contributing factors of stress related to the ABA profession

  • Identify their values within the scope of their professional life

  • Clarify their precursor behaviors leading to burnout

  • Pinpoint outcomes and consequences of burnout

  • Operationally define the continuum of stress, fatigue, and burnout

  • Select areas of improvement, boundary building, potential barriers, and solutions

*** Due to the interactive nature of this workshop and to create an environment where everyone is comfortable sharing, there will be no recordings.

1.5 Learning CEUs

1hr 30min - $25


Behavior Analyst Certification Board Authorized Continuing Education Provider

About Jewel

Jewel Parham is a dedicated behavior scientist passionate about values-based living and overall well-being. She is a Board Certified Behavior Analyst and doctoral student at The Chicago School actively working on her dissertation. Jewel has experience working in multiple environments including public and private schools, and center-based services. She has worked with children and adolescents with and without developmental disabilities. Jewel is the editor of the Black Women in Behavior Analysis Appreciation Day (BWIBAAD) newsletter. Her interests include Relational Frame Theory (RFT), Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), cultural and diversity issues in ABA, social media, and artificial intelligence. Jewel is dedicated to advancing the field of Behavior Analysis and is committed to exploring innovative strategies, fostering equity, inclusion, and interdisciplinary collaborations to drive positive change within the field.

Learn more about Jewel and find her links from when she was my guest on Behavior Bites podcast episode 42

About Rosie

Check out my About page for my story!

Join us and have fun collaborating with other awesome professionals!

Tuesday, August 6, 2024

7:30 PM ET


(PAST) Check Your Ego at the Door