Living in Your Values
with Lauren James
Behavior Bites Podcast - Ep37
Apr 10, 2024
Have you ever debated leaving the field to pursue a different career?
Do you ever dive deep to determine the values behind your work?
During today’s meal— I speak with an auDHD behavior analyst about her new projects, how life has shifted since becoming a mom, and what financial security and freedom looks like to her.
What do you miss from Colorado but love in NH?
How did you get into Behavior Analysis?
How do you use ACT in your daily routine?
How did using that model lead you back to the behavior analysis field?
Palate Cleanser
What’s your go-to dinner out at a restaurant?
When have you failed and what did you learn from that experience?
Your favorite thing about what you do?
What’s on the horizon— personal projects and your podcast
Excerpts from the Episode
(*Paraphrased highlights)
Every day, I start with what are my main three values that I want to work towards. I've done my own values assessment to determine what my top five are in my life at the moment. I always write those down and then work towards the committed action. Here's my value. Here's what I can realistically do today.
When I'm writing those out for the committed action, I'm also taking in acceptance at the same time, and I'm okay with not doing every single thing on my to-do list, because every single thing on my to-do list has to do with my values.
I walked away from behavior analysis for some time because I didn't like how things were being taken advantage of in the field. I went through some life changes and had a very bad mental breakdown.
I was working on building a completely different business because one of my favorite hobbies is baking, and I'm very good at it and at decorating cakes. I was succeeding in it, and the value of financial stability was there, but it wasn't fueling myself and I knew I needed to get back to that value find.
It came to a point where I was like, what I'm good at is helping people, and helping people was what I needed.
It's the people, and not just helping them. I love helping women reach their goals and finding creative ways to get them there. That's what I want to do. That's what I am meant to do.
My favorite thing is meeting new people. I love learning new things from people I might never meet if I just stayed in my bubble and didn't put myself out into the world.
ABOUT Lauren
Lauren K. James, MS, BCBA, LABA
Lauren is a board certified & licensed behavior analyst with a love for helping others reach their goals, however that may be.
As an Autistic and ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) woman myself, my approach is to meet women where they are at—- just like I would expect to be met. I want to be the cheerleader and coach in the corner, letting you know you can achieve whatever you want, helping guide you to get there, and to be a reminder— you can be sexy, free, AND auDHD.
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Instagram: @millennial_behaviorcoach
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