with Lindsay Lundquist
Behavior Bites Podcast - Ep35
Mar 13, 2024
Have you ever been dismissed because of your age?
Do you wish you could tell people to not judge a book by its cover?
During today’s meal— I speak with a behavior analyst who owns her own company and recently published her first children’s book. We discuss her new book, what it’s been like starting a company, and listening to our gut when things don’t feel right.
What made you decide to write children’s books?
How did you get into Behavior Analysis?
Something you wish you could have told yourself when getting started?
Palate Cleanser
What’s your favorite pastry?
What has the process been like starting Blossom Behavioral Solutions?
Your biggest successes you’ve had with your company?
Your biggest challenges with starting a company?
Something people misunderstand about you, or are surprised to find out?
What is your biggest inspiration?
Your favorite thing about what you do?
Excerpts from the Episode
(*Paraphrased highlights)
I formed my LLC in January 2022. I started it more quickly than I anticipated. I was kind of pushed to start it but didn't have the right support.
The first six months was really just getting that foundation, getting all those things the business needs together. I started getting clients that summer and it's been growing ever since, to the point now I have a waiting list.
It's definitely been a process. I wear most of the hats in the business. I'm doing social media, billing, intakes, direct services, like everything. It does get overwhelming because I am by myself, but I've been able to build a supportive community of professionals in the area that have similar mindsets. My hope is to expand and provide more resources to the community, but I know I'm not ready for that at this point.
I feel like people are shocked when they find out that I am only 26. Even back when I was an 18 year old RBT, I was talking with a 25 year old parent and they were asking if I remembered a toy from “our age.”
On the opposite side, I am very short, 4’9”, so I get viewed like, are you old enough? Are you even qualified to do this? I've shown up at a client’s door and the grandma thought I was a lost little girl.
I've struggled with my age and height— having that perception from other people I work with, especially teachers, going into schools and daycares. Sometimes I'm seen as not knowledgeable, but then others are like, oh my goodness, you know all this information and you are successful. I would have never known you had your own business.
My biggest inspirations are generations below us, to be able to give them the tools they need and seeing their progress as they get older.
They don't always have control of what's going on around them, in their environment. It's up to us as adults to be able to teach them. I think of where I was when I was younger and didn't have the resources, or support, or understanding of those around me.
Younger generations continue to inspire me to do what I can to help break that generational parenting, that generational trauma, to be able to give these kids the support they need for their mental health and their behavioral health.
ABOUT Lindsay
Lindsay Lundquist, MA, BCBA, LBA-NC, CCTS-I
Lindsay Lundquist is the owner of Blossom Behavioral Solutions, LLC. Lindsay is a Board Certified Behavior Analyst, Licensed in North Carolina, and Certified Clinical Trauma Specialist (CCTS-I).
Lindsay utilizes a holistic, trauma-informed approach to behavioral health using Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) principles, alongside a behavior analytic approach to Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT). Lindsay has been working in the field of ABA since 2016. She is passionate about helping others build a strong skill set to achieve their goals in a compassionate and neurodivergent-affirming manner.
She is also creating resources for both parents and teachers, recently publishing her first children’s book, The Adventures of Willow: Finding Furr-Ever.
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